12 Months of Beauty Business Marketing

12 Months of Beauty Business Marketing

Hello, Beauties! Get Beauty of a Book for 12 Months of Beauty Business Marketing. Seasons and public holidays are at the heart of a successful salon marketing calendar. When done right, coordinated salon promotions can generate a steady flow of guests year-round.

A salon marketing plan is simply a well-thought-out plan of specials and promotions for your salon. Monthly promotions help keep clients and prospective customers aware of your salon, or “top of mind” and remind or motivate guests to make an appointment.

Plan ahead with a Salon Marketing Plan with a full calendar year of promotion ideas that cover your needs from January through December.

Beauty of a Book™ is a compilation of my top blog posts to help beauty bosses grow their businesses throughout the entire year.

Beauty of a Book™ commences with a Set The Stage section that includes a beauty-specific Marketing Guide, Ready-To-Use 12 Month Calendar, and Promotion Planner.

Plan ahead with Beauty of a Book™ available as an Instant Digital Download – Jump in any time of the year! 12 Months of Beauty Business Marketing

Now go rock your beauty business!

To Learn More About Beauty of a Book CLICK HERE

BeautyMark Marketing offers stylish, professionally crafted, agency-quality marketing at a small business price. Click here for more information about our Digital Marketing Services or if you have questions you can Schedule a Chat with Me here

Follow our blog HERE for weekly salon marketing tips!

Make sure to follow BeautyMark’s Blog for weekly salon marketing tips HERE

a collage of two images with a woman working on a scheduleNEED A SALON MARKETING PLAN?

Plan And Align Your Marketing Campaigns & Activities With Our Beauty Business Marketing Calendar

Get our Free Beauty Business Calendar HERE

Plan and align your marketing campaigns & activities with our Beauty Business Marketing Calendar
– Ready-to-use editable 12-month calendar
– Dates and events to promote throughout the year

If you are looking for a brand makeover or new brand creation, set up a chat via Calendly for a FREE 30-minute consultation call with me Set up a chat with me here