Are no shows affecting your bottom line? Want to end no shows? As a new business, you have the ability to kick things off with a clear and simple policy, for an established business implementing a new policy to current/existing clients can take some time getting adjust to. Here are a few professional and subtle ways to communicate your No Show policy:
Always state your No Show policy when booking appointments, both online or by phone, request a deposit or collect credit card information – this reminds clients if they fail to show you will follow your cancellations policy.
Include your business cancellation/no show policy on your Appointment Card.
Put up signage at Reception Desk as a simple reminder.
When sending out email promotions or newsletter, always include a small reminder about your cancellation policy.
Set up automatic appointment reminders on your online scheduling system, a quick reminder can keep clients from forgetting or overbooking their schedules.
If you set your business up with a strong policy as well as a reminder system “No Shows” will be a thing of the past! How do you prevent no shows? Share your ideas below!