the beauty of blogging

The Beauty of Blogging

The beauty of blogging. Does your salon website include a blog? Is it empty of content? Did you have plans for a blog, but abandoned utilizing it along the way? If so, your beauty business is missing out!

The perfect way to spark the chain reaction of inbound marketing is a salon blog. Blogging is one of the “attract” methods that help pull a potential client into your marketing funnel. Including a salon blog in your marketing mix is part of a powerful strategy to boost business.


> Blogging > Social Media > Keywords

“Blogging is ranked as one of the highest content marketing techniques available.”

Blogging is a marvelous promotional tool for your salon or spa and the content generated can be re-used on both social media channels and email newsletters – all helping to keep your business in the limelight.


My number one favorite reason to publish blog posts regularly is that your beauty business will rank higher on Google and other search engines. Content is king, so each time you publish a blog post Google “detects and crawls” your site for the “new information” added. If your content is top-notch it will help your website rank higher on Google and makes your beauty business easier to find online.


The key to a successful blog is to be consistent with your publishing schedule. The success of blogging comes from how often/frequently you publish content (in other words get her done!). The more often you write the more audience views and traction you gain.


This is the place to create an approachable and trustworthy “brand voice” for your beauty business. Here is where you set the tone by writing about what you know. Share all of your at-home tips for hair care, skin care, or whatever it is you specialize in. Educate them, share your product recommendations, create a how-to “fill in the blank”, and offer value.

This is also a place where you can get personal and share your story where it is relevant to your business.


The target market for every marketing endeavor is new clients, right? Blogging is a fantastic curator of new clients as they help draw clients (Attract) to get to know you – and get them to ultimately trust you (Convert) to make the final desired move – book their first appointment at your salon or spa (Close).

Does your salon website include a blog? If it doesn’t, why not?

The beauty of blogging. Thought about starting a salon blog but are just too intimidated to strike the first key? Or, do you have a current salon blog you are looking to make improvements on? Here are 6 top tips on how to write a brilliant beauty business blog and turn your blog into a brilliant inbound marketing tool.

1. How often should you post a blog?

The most basic posting schedule, to begin with, is once a month, it is consistency that is key. Once you find that a once-a-month schedule is manageable, then move it up to twice per month. If you want superstar status then once per week. Just create a posting schedule that is both manageable and still creates consistency.

2. Reuse and create new content

An easy way to multi-task your marketing efforts is to reuse your blog posts for social media content. Cherry-pick key quotes, tips, and advice from your blog and reuse them on your social media channels with links back to your original blog post. You should be able to create 3 to 4 related social media posts throughout the month from your blog post.

3. Keep it short and sweet

The average reader’s attention span is getting shorter and shorter, so write a blog post with that in mind.

Keep it simple and to the point rather than rambling, 400 – 450 words are about perfect. Write tightly, precisely, and concisely. Make sure to break up the text into mini paragraphs – this makes the information more digestible and easier to read.

Include eye-catching imagery and utilize lists, bullet points, quotes, or headings to break up the text even more.

4. Content is king

Blogs are meant to be informative, not high-pressure or “sales-y” – so focus on content that “teaches” or “improves”. This is where your expertise is key. Write about what you know about – concentrate on the content that will target your desired demographic or age group (ie: aging skin and hair). If relevant, include one or two product or treatment recommendations, just don’t overdo it.

Easy content creators:

> Don’t forget all of the usual holidays throughout the year
> Hair and skincare advice is sought after
> Solutions to seasonal beauty challenges
Spring and Summer months are popular for wedding content – write about bridal hair, make-up, and beauty tips.

5. Show off your team’s experience

Promote trust in your readers and make them want to be part of your positive salon vibe by sharing your team’s expertise.

Pro Tip:
Here are some ideas:

> Create a ‘Q&A’ style blog post on popular topics with answers provided by your salon team members
> Introduce your team and showcase their qualifications and expertise
> Highlight team member product recommendations
. Top vacation skin and hair care tips and the one product they wouldn’t be without or opinions on what’s happening in the world of hair and beauty

6. Ps & Qs

Don’t let your blog fall flat with misspellings and poor grammar. If your salon blog post is full of errors it reflects badly on the standards of your salon as a whole. I recommend Grammarly, a cloud-based writing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity. Available as an extension or plug-in, Grammarly helps you write mistake-free copy.

The beauty of blogging. Does your salon website include a blog? If it doesn’t, why not? 
Ask us, we can help.

BeautyMark Marketing offers stylish, professionally crafted, agency-quality marketing at a small business price. Click here for more information about our Digital Marketing Services or if you have questions you can Schedule a Chat with Me here.
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