Planning a brand takes time, insight and forethought – you have to look to the future. The ingredients of a pulled together brand are: Logo | 2 Patterns | 2 or 3 Photos | Tagline | Blog Elements | Color Palette | Font Palette. Your Facebook landing page is an extention of your brand and should:
Set the stage. Your wall can be a fun, engaging space when you do it well. However, for someone less familiar with your business, it may feel chaotic and overwhelming. A landing page explains who you are and acts as an introduction to your Facebook presence.
Explain the benefit of liking your business. A landing page can explain why someone should like your page and what benefits they may receive: discounts, daily tips, ability to engage with a brand or company they like.
Extend your brand(ing). Whenever you setup an outpost on a social media platform, you want to ensure that your brand is visible. In conjunction with your profile photo (the image on the left hand side of all your pages), your landing page can help establish your brand in the mind of your prospects and customers. Make sure that your brand’s personality comes through.
Show you take Facebook seriously. When using a social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) you’ll get better engagement when you make your profile look “lived in.”
To create an outstanding landing page that attracts more likes give them a reason to stick around. You should offer them at least one compelling reason to like your page—the what’s in it for me benefit they will receive from doing so.
Here are a few examples:
Like us for special offers and discounts
Like us for last minute appointment savings
Like us for the latest in beauty news
Like us for hair, beauty and style trends
Create an extension of your website. A Facebook page is like a free mini website, so think of the landing page as the home page. It’s your opportunity to catch the visitor’s attention in four seconds or less with your unique selling proposition—what you do, why that matters, and who should care. Using photos, creative images, or videos are effective ways to do this. And people especially love stories that resonate with them.
Make it actionable. The beauty of a landing page is you can make it dynamic like your website. You should have a hyperlink to your website—and without overcomplicating the page—you can also showcase your key social media links.
Make it competitive. Who doesn’t like a good deal, special offer, or a fun competition? These sorts of activities work well to create buzz and engagement, while enticing visitors to click that “like” button.
If you need help using social media to increase your brand awareness contact BeautyMark Marketing today!