write captions that hit the sweet spot

Formula to Write Captions that Hit the Sweet Spot

Do you feel like you are talking to a vast black abyss on social media? Not getting a lot of engagement? The cherry-picked photo you choose is just the beginning of a good post, it’s what you say that really counts. Make sure your salon or beauty business’s brand voice (verbiage) matches the quality of your content. Apply this 5-step formula to write captions that hit the sweet spot to inspire action, drive bookings and see your results sweeten.

Step 1. CONE

Begin with your cone or your foundation – this is the first sentence of your caption. These first 90 characters have to hook your reader’s attention and inspire them to want to “read more”.

Step 2. SCOOP

What scoop are you sharing? Why do people want to read this? People will read things that are relevant to them, so use this section to relate to your audience. Add context that explains the message behind the caption.

Tip: As you are writing, if you can get your audience to say “me too” you are on your way to more engagement.


The toppings (chocolate, sprinkles, whip cream) are the main ingredient of your post. This is where you bring value. Teach your readers something, offer a useful tip/trick, tell an inspiring story – create a touchpoint your readers can invest in.


The cherry on top is your call to action. Just like a sundae isn’t complete without a cherry, a caption isn’t complete without a CTA. If you don’t have a CTA in your post you are literally letting your audience leave the post without doing anything = you are losing out on potential business.


You can’t end every post with a hard sell for your services and retail, this turns people off and reduces engagement. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of your CTA’s should be guest-focused (asking questions, getting to know your followers, etc), and then the remaining is where you can ask your followers to do something for you (book or buy)!

Now it’s your turn! Apply the formula to your own content and see your results sweeten. Need help with Social Media and getting online visibility?

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