
How to Attract New Clients to Your Salon – Friend Referrals

How to attract new clients to your salon – BeautyMark loves friend referrals, we believe they are one of the best tools to attract new clients to your hair or beauty salon. In fact, 74% of women felt recommendation was the most important factor when choosing a hair salon. Moreover, clients who come via recommendation tend to be more loyal than those attracted by discounts or other promotions.

What makes a loyal client willing to recommend your salon to their inner circle sanctum? Make them feel good. Clients might forget what you said, forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Ask yourself, how do your clients feel when they visit your salon? Do they look and feel fabulous as they leave?

1. Great Experience Creates Trust.

Trust is key to getting salon recommendations. Make sure your clients feel confident that if they recommend your salon their friends will have that same great amazing experience.

2. Make Clients Feel Good.

What makes a loyal client willing to recommend your salon to their inner circle sanctum? Make them feel good. Clients might forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Ask yourself, how do your clients feel when they leave your salon? Do they look and feel fabulous? The desired outcome of every woman visiting a salon is to feel beautiful. Focus on the guest experience and watch your referral rates soar – a great experience creates trust.

3. Ask Via Card Referral System.

A simple card referral system works excellent, it gives your clients something tangible to “pass on” to their friends and return to your salon.

4. Give Generous Rewards.

Be generous with friend referral marketing incentives. Tempt and reward current clients to spread the word of your fabulous services to their friends and family. Calculate the dollar value a new salon guest is worth to your salon over the period of a year and mark your incentives accordingly.

5. Digital Promotion.

Prominently display and promote your salon friend referral on your website homepage and via regular salon email campaigns.

6. Spread the Word Via eWOM.

Regularly use your eWOM (electronic word of mouth) to spread your salon friend referral to all of your followers via social media channels.

7. Track Referral Rate Monthly.

Measure results of your salon referral system by tracking the number of new salon guests per month. Continue to fine-tune your system over time can add to the bottom line. A continuing goal of any successful salon is to increase referral rates.