
Salon Marketing on Social Media – the formula for “share ability”

Return on investment is hard to measure when it comes to social media marketing, making it hard to justify spending too much time or money. Yet, with tailored content salon businesses can reap the rewards of being in the right place at the right time.  The perfect formula for share ability will maximize exposure, increase overall engagement and attract new clients to your salon.

Most salon’s social media efforts are limited to the basics:
– current offers
– celebrity hair
– salon photos
– salon events
– new team members
– last minute openings

While these type of posts should be part of your strategy, they do little to encourage social sharing or help attract new salon guests. To get your social media content shared, you must do more. The “more” is that little something people love. Something yummy, something pretty, something fun with that coveted share ability factor.

People LOVE contests and the chance of winning
– winning free stuff
– contests to “like”
– entry into contests with prizes
– nominations for makeover
– referral offers
– monthly drawings

People LOVE to share yummy visual content
From the get-go tailor your salon contest for social sharing by creating strong visuals. If the visual is impactful, so will be the success of likes and “share-ability”. Make it be noticed through imagery, typography and color.

People LOVE being social with friends
By creating a prize package (or gift) for two your salon can benefit with double new guest and engagement. More shares equal more exposure.

People LOVE 15 minutes of fame
Recognizing and thanking clients who refer friends or family to your salon by featuring them as the client of the month in social media status updates makes clients feel like a star and is easily shared.

Before and Afters are another great way to boost client confidence and give them those 15 minutes of fame. Benefit from he shares and tags with her friends and family.

People LOVE hair and makeup tips
Showcase your salon’s expertise in hair care, wellness and beauty. Share articles from notable beauty, hair, style and fashion sources to create a constant flow of fresh content to reach out and engage your social media audience.

Get Ideas from Large Retailers
Check out social networks contests and drawings that large retailers use to boost social followers and email contacts. Adapt these ideas to your salon. Above all, always remember to make your posts share-worthy.