
How to Run Full-Hearted Promotions

how to run full hearted promotions

Ask yourself honestly. Do you run full-hearted promotions? Poor execution is usually to blame for marketing promotions not meeting expectations. Many salons run campaigns with the goal to bring in new clientele, but the opportunity to turn the “promotion guest” into a loyal client is lost. How and why is the opportunity lost? There are […]

Superior Guest Services

Superior guest services are no accident, it’s carefully designed and planned. Well-orchestrated client services create optimal client satisfaction and subsequently an increase in return guest rates. Can you classify your guest services as superior? If not, make customer service your 2015 focus and watch your return guest and re-booking rates soar. Begin by tailoring every aspect of your […]

4 Keys To Understanding Salon Business Fundamentals

image via pinterest When it comes to your business, understanding a few key business fundamentals helps to focus your efforts to get the best results. Aiming to improve the 4 key areas will ensure your salon or spa business’ growth and profitability. 4 KEYS 1. Gaining new guests/clients 2. Retaining guests/clients 3. Increasing per guest/client […]