The power of a selfie. There is no better testimonial than a client’s endorsement in an image. If posted to social media outlets a client selfie can expose your salon to tons of potential new clients. Instead of wishing for this kind of exposure, add it to your marketing strategy and make it happen!
Get Selfie-Friendly
It’s no secret that guests love to photograph themselves after a salon visit (when they are looking and feeling their best). More often than not, after a hair appointment clients take selfies in their car or once they get home and proceed to publish it to their favorite social media. They might talk about their new hairstyle, but they don’t always mention the salon or the stylist.
When done properly, you can make the name of your salon appear on their picture, almost like an automatic watermark! To do this simply add a decal sticker of your salon business name or hashtag on a frequently visited mirror or at each salon station mirror right in their field of view. This encourages selfies taken IN THE SALON.
Create a Selfie Station
Go a step further and add a Selfie Station in your salon. What is a Selfie Station you ask? It is an area in your salon specifically designated for clients to take selfies of their fabulous new do’s.
A selfie station can be as simple as a clean backdrop to take a picture and post it to their favorite social medium. A step-and-repeat banner or a beautiful colored wall with your salon name and logo is ideal, or display a gorgeous mirror for client selfies. Label with a sign above the created space with “Take a Selfie”.
Selfie Promotion
A “selfie promotion” offers a discount, a sample service, or retail product as a gift if they tag your salon and stylist. Invite clients to tag the salon and stylist, once posted (while in salon) they get the credit.
Before and After
Encourage guests to take pictures of themselves, both before and after their service. Dramatic style changes (long hair to short pixie) or color transformations (ombre and balayage) get the highest rates of views and clicks. Your salon team should also be encouraged to take before and after images of their favorite hair makeovers to post on the salon social media outlets.
Repost Endorsements
Make sure you re-post all endorsements on your salon social media channels to spread the word. Don’t forget “before and afters” get the highest rates of views and clicks.
Create a Salon Hashtag
Take it a step further, create a salon hashtag! Assuming your salon has an Instagram account (if you don’t have one, get one NOW). Make the decal a hashtag that your salon is known by, in most cases it will be the name of your salon, part of it, or perhaps something else all together like #oribeobsessed. Making the decal a hashtag will automatically encourage “selfie takers” to hashtag YOU.
Hashtag for Maximum Exposure
Here is an example of an excellent way to “tag” your next client selfie for maximum exposure. Another fabulous #haircut by Melrose #BluebirdSalon. We are absolutely loving this new pixie short hair trend. #springtrend #shorthairdontcare #thechop #nj #bergencounty #englewoodnj #hair #shorthair #shorthairstyle #longtoshort #hairsalon
Take advantage of the “selfie trend” – its a fun part of our culture that translates to a purely organic form of salon advertising that should be added to your marketing strategy for 2018.