
Step 2 & 3: Beauty Business Strategy and Setting Salon Goals

Step Two: Decide Your Beauty Business Strategy
The strategy you choose for your beauty business influences goals and objectives for the future year. Which one are you?

Salon branding strategy – well designed, professional branding is how you communicate to the public why they should choose your salon above the competition. A beautiful brand strategy enables you to charge more for your hair or beauty services, gain loyalty, and attract new clients.

Superior services strategy – differentiate your salon from competitors with well-orchestrated, superior guest services. Create optimal client satisfaction and increased return guest rates. Client is king with this strategy, anticipate guest service and product needs.

Pricing strategy – differentiates your salon from competitors by price, either communicating discounted or premium pricing. If you implement premium pricing, make sure your salon services are premium as well.

Step Three: Set Your Salon Goals and Resolutions
Don’t just have business dreams, have business plans. The strategy of your beauty business is the driving force of your business, strategies create objectives to focus on for the future year. Want to reset your salon marketing routine in 2015? Resolution number one: Make Marketing a Business Priority

Marketing is vital if you want to attract new clients, increase salon profitability, and capitalize on business opportunities. It makes business sense to give marketing the importance it deserves. Take an honest assessment of your salon’s 2014 marketing endeavors. Was there an investment of time, energy or money? If the answer is no, start out by blocking out one afternoon each week devoted to salon marketing objectives, or hire a professional marketing agency to focus on promoting your salon for you.

A year from now:
How will your salon website look?
How many new clients walked through your salon doors?
How much did average sales per ticket increase?
Did guest visit frequency increase?
Were you able to boost salon website visitors per week?
How many email addresses did you add to your database?
Did you renew an antiquated brand identity?
Did you Boost client retention and client royalty?
Increase the average salon spend per visit?
Did you increase retail sales?
Did you increase your pre-booking percentages?
Did you retain guests and attract new ones?
Did you use blogging to your advantage?

What goals from above are your primary objectives? What is your biggest goal for the upcoming year.
Set about making a plan that accomplishes your business goals.