Step One: Evaluate the Past 12 Months
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Investing a few hours at the start of the year to write a marketing plan for your beauty salon or spa can have a huge impact on profitability for the year to come. Before looking to the future, take a look back, appraise your business achievements in order to approach the new year with fresh objectives.
Don’t be tempted to skip the evaluation step, taking the time for analysis allows for more-informed planning. At the end of this evaluation you should have a greater understanding of your business objectives and opportunities.
Your Salon Numbers
> Did your business meet its financial goals last year?
> Did most of your revenue come from existing salon clients or from new ones?
> What percentage of clients only visited once, never to return?
> Which are your most profitable salon services?
> When did you last increase your prices?
Your Salon Promotions
> What salon promotional activities did you do?
> What worked?
> What didn’t?
> Why not?
Your Salon Website
> Is your salon website mobile friendly?
> How does your site compare to local competitors’?
> Has the site design or images become dated?
> Is site copy easy to ready and professionally written?
> Are you ranking high on Google so new clients can find you?
Your Salon Marketing Channels
When you deliver your marketing message using a variety of marketing channels you increase the likelihood of reaching your target audience. Repetition works.
> What marketing channels are you utilizing?
> In-Salon Signage?
> Website?
> Email Marketing?
> Social Media?
> Advertising?
> Marketing Materials?
> New Client Recruitment?
> Loyalty or Reward Programs?
> Contests?
Your Salon Database
> Have you grown your email database over the last 12 months?
> What incentives have you given guests to sign up?
Don’t forget email contacts are one of your most valuable marketing assets.
Your Salon New Guest, Loyalty & Reward Program/s
> Do you have salon marketing systems in place for retaining new guests?
> Are new clients documented and followed up by your team?
> Have you set up a loyalty or reward program?
Your Salon Competition
Analyze your top 3 competitors.
Review their salon website, their social media, do a mystery shop, look in the local newspaper and read their online reviews.
> How do they compare to your hair or beauty business?
Your Salon Guest Services
> How do your guest services compare to your competitions?
> What is the quality of your recruitment and training you provide your team?
> What do your clients think of your guest services and salon services?
> Take a look at look at complaints and feedback.
Your Salon Brand
> What message does the appearance of your salon send out?
> Review your salon marketing materials (salon brochures, salon graphics, price and treatment guides, sidewalk signage, etc.). Are they on-brand and great selling tools or in need of a major refresh?
What about your own marketing skills? Are you up to the task? Make marketing a business priority this year, invest in professional marketing services.