
Guide Growth with Long-Term Marketing Strategies

Guide Growth with Long-Term Marketing Strategies

As much as we would like to grow our businesses overnight, short-term marketing methods offer only a temporary boost in revenue that comes at the cost of paying for that ad presence, giveaway, or promotion. Instead, guide growth with long-term marketing strategies that achieve long-term sustainability. Long-term strategies include Social Media, Content/SEO Marketing, and Email […]

Digital Marketing for Beauty Businesses

importance of digital marketing

The importance of digital marketing for beauty businesses can’t be understated. What is your salon’s current digital marketing strategy? If you’re like many salon owners, you probably don’t have the digital footprint you’d like for your business. With the prevalence of technology in daily life, it’s not optional to have an online presence for your […]

Reset 2022 with Our 2021 Evaluation

Reset 2022 with Our 2021 Evaluation

Want to reset your salon marketing routine in 2022? We’ve created a list of key goals and intentions with BeautyMark’s 2021 evaluation. As 2021 closes out, reflect and review the previous year’s marketing objectives to create a refocused marketing strategy for the next calendar year. We’ve created a list of key goals and intentions with […]

How To Turn New Guests Into Repeat Clients

Turn New Guests Into Repeat Clients

Do you find that most of your salon or spa clients are “regulars “or “one-offs”? How do you convert more of those one-time-only clients into regular guests? Get them connected! Not sure how to get connected, here are some ideas on how to turn new guests into repeat clients. 1. Build an Email List Get […]

Grow Your Beauty Business – Numbers to Know

As a marketing agency I am often asked “How do I grow my business?” That’s the million dollar question! There is no do it quick scheme – it’s about hard work, loving what you do, and knowing “your numbers”. What are “your numbers” you ask? The numbers to know are:1. # Current Guests per month2. […]

The Key to Client Retention is Follow Up

Do you find that most of your salon or spa clients are regulars or “one-offs”? How do you convert more of those one-time only clients into regular guests? Get them connected! Not sure how to get connected, here are some ideas! Build Email List Get the email address of every single customer that enters through […]